Inner work for outward change.

Everyday we keep striving, we keep trying to make progress, we keep growing. In that time we see the world around us feel more chaotic, feel more focused on seeking pleasure, and pain. The world keeps going, we can’t stop. As I was seated in my morning meditation this morning I had a thought, “What can I do to help the uncertainty?”
Lately I have felt very content in my life, not complacent, but content. I am in a good place emotionally, spiritually, and while physically it could use a little work, I am healthy and making some course corrections to help with my health. But I look around and there is so much pain and suffering around us everywhere.

  • Brexit, stirring fear and uncertainty.

  • Terrorist attacks in Turkey, Bangladesh, Iraq, Saudi Arabia.

  • The refugee crisis.

  • Friends going through divorce.

  • LGBT Suicides.

  • The loss of loved ones.

  • Philando Castile and Alton Sterling.

  • The Dallas shooting.

These are all a reminder that suffering, inequality, pain, heartache, age, disease, and loss continues day after day. And never, ever stops. The only constant is change and uncertainty.

“What can I do to help the uncertainty?”

So as I sat, I pondered these things, I meditated on the pain and hurt of those around me and let their pain into my heart and soul. While I sat I felt that the only thing I can do is work on myself, if I get caught up in the things that have happened, or live in fear of the future, am I really living to my full potential?  Am I living my life with intent? Am I being myself, my true authentic self if I am concerned about what might happen in ten minutes, ten hours, ten days, or ten years?

The truth is extraordinary change is wrought by ordinary people by simply acting with authenticity, I can’t do much for the pain of the world. But taking care of those around me when they are feeling pain can cause a domino effect and together we can make change. We can provide a safe place for people going though struggles and pain, we can be a helping hand when someone falls, we can be open to all the people in the world and without judgement hear there struggles and views, together we can all do the inner work to be strong enough to be a rock to those that need us, when they need us.

We can be allies to those that need our help, we can advocate for change in our local communities, we can pick up the trash we see by the side of the road. We can realize that we all create our own reality and universe, and thus realize that someone else’s lived experience is very different from our own. And then when it becomes time, our inner work will have paid off in dividends with those around us when they need our help.

Our planet, our children, our communities, they need us to keep doing it.


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